Vaisala Energy Support
How do I interpret the graphs provided by the Monthly Mean Irradiance Tools?
For your selected location, these tools show the monthly average (mean) irradiance value (GHI, DNI, DIF) for each month of the year and list the specific month that has the highest monthly value as well as the lowest monthly value. The thick line and the small squares represent 3TIER’s estimate of your monthly solar resource. The thin vertical lines represent the standard error of that estimate.
You have the option of seeing the irradiance values in units of kWh/m2/day (kilowatt-hours per square meter per day) or W/m2 (Watts per meter squared). To learn how to change your account settings click here.
Please keep in mind when comparing different geographic areas that each graph scales to its specific location, meaning the values on the y-axis will change depending on the variability and intensity of the solar resource at a location.
More Solar Online Tools Questions
- How do I enter a location?
- What's the latest month available in the solar time series tool?
- What is the Data Shown in the Solar Time Series Viewer?
- What updates were applied to the datasets in November 2019?
- Which weather data source should I pick?
- What do the Annual Mean Irradiance Tools provide?
- What solar values are shown on the map?
- Why do we show a +/- next to the annual values?
- What is Global Horizontal Irradiance?
- How can I compare sites side-by-side?
- What is Direct Normal Irradiance?
- How do I change locations for individual tools?
- What is Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance?
- Why does the map disappear?
- What are the units of irradiance?
- What affects solar radiation at a given site?
- How much area is covered by the Solar Prospecting Tools?
- How accurate are the Solar Prospecting Tools?
- What data has been created?
- How was the data behind your map created?
- How do I convert the 3TIER values to peak sun hours?
- Why does the data not match my observations?
- What were 3TIER's solar data validation procedures?
If you didn't find what you were looking for, please contact 3TIER Support for additional assistance.