Vaisala Xweather Energy

Vaisala Energy Support

Can I demo the 90 M Wind Prospecting Tools?

All registered users have free access to 90 M Wind Prospecting Tools demonstration data for Yellowstone National Park in the United States. Registered users can explore this region to understand how the 90 M Wind Prospecting Tools work and view actual 3TIER 90 M wind data.

To access the 90 M Wind Prospecting Tools demo, you must first Register and Login to your account. Once you are logged in, click on the Dashboard tab in the upper left-hand corner of the page, and then click on the orange link titled "90 M Wind Prospecting Tools demo" to access the demo.

When the page loads, you'll see the map controller centered on a location in Yellowstone National Park and tools for annual mean wind speed, monthly mean wind speed, wind speed distribution, and a wind rose. Each time you click on a new location on the map, the tools will update with information for the new location.

For help using the demo and to fully understand the data, please browse the rest of 3TIER's Wind Prospecting Tools Support section.

More Wind Online Tools Questions

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